Kalahari Holdings (Pty) Limited was established in 1989 in terms of the Company Act, 1973 (as amended). The Company is wholly owned by the SWAPO Party and is a diverse and dynamic investment holding Company playing an active role in the development of Namibia. significant contributions to the Namibian economy have been made so far in the form of employment creation, creation of wealth, poverty alleviation and significant monetary contributions to shareholders.
Kalahari Holdings has earned a reputation of excellence in business practices and the provision of quality products and services. The Group has grown from a medium-sized company to a large corporation with an estimated asset base of N$400 million. The Company has experienced exponential growth over the past ten years. Profits are constantly re-invested to finance the Company’s growth, and in various development and expansionary programs in order to maximize profits. The Company utilizes some of its earnings to finance its subsidiaries and other related entities. This form of financing is required as part of risk diversification and careful planning aimed at realizing overall returns for the Company, its subsidiaries and related parties.
Kalahari Holdings, together with its subsidiaries and joint ventures, employs close to three thousand three hundred (3,300) permanent employees and also utilizes the services of seasonal and casual workers.